Thursday, August 16, 2007

First Day of School!

Already? Why does summer keep getting shorter? I did not approve that. Not once.

At least the kids looked good.

2nd Grade: Emma picked out her cutest-ever dress from Target and selected braids for her hair-style. And I love the little cardigan she got from Dani.

Kindergarten: I just couldn't find any especially cute boy clothes anywhere, so Ben went with his (and my) favorite already-owned (handed-down, truth be told) shirt of his. He did however get some cool new shoes.

I got them new backpacks this year and somehow ended up with some that are way too huge for their tiny bodies. I can't decide whether to put them aside for middle school and get some smaller ones for this year or just go with it. So far we've just gone with it. I think they look perfectly reasonably sized sitting on the ground. It's when they're on their backs that I go, "Hmmmm."

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