Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's come to this...

Lydia is a monkey. A billy goat. A nimble replica of her climbing siblings before her. Look out. She will scale anything, even things not thought to be climbable. You'll turn the corner and suddenly she's perched precariously atop whatever you doubted she'd have the interest or physical ability to conquer. It started with the kitchen table, easily climbed on top of by using the chairs. We are right in the middle of that awful stage where our kitchen chairs will be like this (photo above) unless Lydia's asleep or secured in her high chair. Below are some mild examples of her special talent.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Projects (yes, completed)

I finally put some ideas into action.

First I sewed this little bib for Ben's kindergarten teacher, who's having a little boy any day now. (I used this pattern.) I know, nothing fancy, but remember, I'm a beginner.

I made these cute little thank you cards for Lydia's b-day gifts (it took forever to get her to hold her little hand still a minute).

The triplets' birthday is this week. For Sydney I made this shirt (heat-n-bond with a little zig-zag stitch, learned how here.)

And then over at Design Mom, this project jumped out at me, so I made Connor and Tanner each their own little journal/notebook (featuring photos of each of them with their favorite baby cousin).

Ahhh, so satisfying.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lydia's 1st Birthday

Lydia celebrated her birthday together with Grandpa Barber and Uncle David this past weekend. Grammy provided a small cake for each of the special birthday guests and Lydia thoroughly enjoyed daintily munching on hers (to the disappointment of her siblings, she did not smear it all over her face and hair).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Almost forgot this...

The day after I got back Emma drew me this illustration. She even included the book. Very sweet.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Special Mommy Trip

This past weekend was an extraordinary treat. I took off with my sisters and two of our friends for an unprecidented four-day moms-only getaway to the beach.
That's how I felt the entire time.
The 8 hour drive flew by, with good company and no one to entertain but our own grown-up selves. At rest stops I didn't have to march three kids in and out of the bathroom and change a diaper in the van. There was very little to clean up throughout the weekend because five moms make very little mess. I got to sleep in as late as I liked (so I also got to stay up as late as I liked). For ten meals straight I only had to worry about feeding myself. Getting ready to head to the beach each day, again, there was only me to pack a lunch for, put sunscreen on, etc. I could not believe how tangible and vivid the difference was, not taking care of anyone else for so long. It was heavenly. Don't get me wrong, I love (love!) my job in the mommy force, but I cannot say enough for the benefits of taking some time off just now and then. I came home refreshed, renewed and ready.
We spent about 6 hours each of our two full days lounging on the beach, all of us reading almost the entire time. 
This may have to become a tradition.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Look out Living Scriptures...

Last Sunday the kids wanted me to take pictures of them. I told them to pose out a scene from a scripture story and I would.

David and Goliath:

King Lamoni (with Queen and Ammon):

Alma the Younger and the Sons of Helaman (use your imagination)


I've been meaning to get Emma a small purse/bag thing forever to use as a kind of kit for all of her peanut allergy supplies. (An epi-pen, a dose of benadryl, and an index card with phone numbers, instructions and details about how to handle various possible peanut-exposure situations.) Since my sewing empowerment, I just whipped one up in an evening (ooh, aah). It's not perfect. The top is quite curved (not planned, but not so bad) and I still need to add a strap of some sort. But brother, I sewed that lined, zippered little bag and I love it! (Used a wonderful tutorial to figure it out.) And now whenever Emma heads off to the home of a friend or relative I can just send her little epi-kit along with a little peace of mind.