Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I've been meaning to get Emma a small purse/bag thing forever to use as a kind of kit for all of her peanut allergy supplies. (An epi-pen, a dose of benadryl, and an index card with phone numbers, instructions and details about how to handle various possible peanut-exposure situations.) Since my sewing empowerment, I just whipped one up in an evening (ooh, aah). It's not perfect. The top is quite curved (not planned, but not so bad) and I still need to add a strap of some sort. But brother, I sewed that lined, zippered little bag and I love it! (Used a wonderful tutorial to figure it out.) And now whenever Emma heads off to the home of a friend or relative I can just send her little epi-kit along with a little peace of mind.

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