Thursday, November 29, 2007

A few more projects...

Here are two bibs I recently made and two Darth Vader ornaments. The ornaments I saw here on Etsy awhile ago and thought they'd be perfect for some little boys in my life, so I've made a few of those (very easy, but more time-consuming than I thought). The bibs, I imagined all on my own. I really like the sort of sun-burst pattern on the first one and I've been planning to work that in to a lot of things. The piggy-bibby has a way-too-wide neck, so I guess it's for a really fat baby (I keep making slight changes to the bibs' shape and eventually it will be perfect...eventually). I'd been wanting to try terrycloth for the back of a bib for a long time and finally did. I'm sold. I love how cozy it is.


  1. Once again, I am impressed by your craftiness. I really need to take lessons. Thanks for introducing me to Etsy, by the way. I have done a lot of Christmas shopping on it already!

  2. Cute bibs Lori! I usually hate bibs, for some reason I'm not sure of, but I'd totally be down using those...yay for sewing and creativity!!!

  3. love the sunburst very impressed!

  4. Wow! Gotta love the Darth. What the! I guess I gone to the dark side.
