Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Camping (yes, camping)

So, I was the YW Camp Director this year. I've never really been a big advocate of sleeping anywhere other than your own nice, comfy bed in your climate-controlled room so I was just a bit nervous about the gig at first.
I needn't have been. It was awesome. We had a really small group, which was actually kind of nice. Only five girls came and two of them had to leave early. We set up our tents at the Cross-Eyed Cricket campground (which was our first pick because it's only a 25 minute drive away) right on the stream. We had so many duck and goose families come to visit we got to know them well over the campout. There was a pool right there which was great. We had scheduled swimming for one afternoon, but the girls managed to get ahead of their schedule and make some time for it every single day. That was fun. S'mores are just as good as I remember, so are hobo dinners. Sleeping in a tent wasn't the end of the world.

1 comment:

  1. yeah lori. sooooo fun. I am partially jealous, but given me most traumatizing camp experience ever, I will choose to just be happy for you.
