Monday, August 18, 2008

In true Olympic spirit, I want to be a winner.

Have you heard of Grosgrain yet? Design Mom gave me a heads up a few days ago and I am enthralled. This really, really nice lady named Kathleen Dougherty likes to sew. She's got a blog and wanted to increase her hits so she had a brilliant idea. Why not give away hand-made clothes all the time? (That's a great way to make friends!) You enter her giveaways by linking to the post on her blog featuring the item you want to win. I want to win this:

Grosgrain: Garden Party Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

You can expect periodic posts from me in the future featuring the cute clothes I want to win.
Don't you want it too? Well, you can't have it because I'm going to win.

1 comment:

  1. My generation is well acquainted with grosgrain. I trimmed many of your clothes with it when you were a little girl. :)
    How nice that Kathleen gives away her home-made clothes. I hope you win that dress you love!
