Monday, August 4, 2008

Saturday Projects

Oooh, I love a good productive Saturday. Those seem to be far and few between these days, and we know they will be nonexistent come soccer season (the big three are all playing this year). So we are taking full advantage of our August Saturdays...
Scott spent the last one doing this:
Doesn't that look so perfect? Now our trash can has somewhere to sit instead of on a dead patch of grass, and it's right off the back door so it's easy to take trash out.
I spent Lydia's nap (yeah, she still takes them most days) doing this:
I couldn't reach the top shelves, so those will have to wait till we can borrow a ladder, but I love the way they turned out. (I'll have to take another photo when they're all done, I've put all the stuff back on the shelves and found a big mirror for the mantel.) Hooray for Saturdays!


  1. Wowza! I never knew you all had such scrippy talents. I especially love the shelves. Be still my heart.

  2. I love your classy!
