Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Or how I learned to stop worrying and admit to getting old.

I have absolutely no idea how to text (nor am I totally won over to its value).

I can't stay up all night.

I like to keep my hair short.

The music that kids listen to these days...I don't get it.

I refer to teenagers as 'kids.'

I'm starting to think I really need make-up.

I'm tired. (Or maybe just pregnant...whichever...)


  1. I enjoyed your confessions, makes me think of my own...hmm. I am going to teach you how to text...it actually quite handy. c u later!

  2. oh-oh...I guess that means I'm old too because I agree with every single statement.

  3. although my hair has never been as short as yours. :) (It looks cuter on you!)

  4. I have gray hairs... a lot of them.

  5. Just have the kids teach you how to text! Julie is right-- It really is useful-- you'll love it.

  6. Well, I'm with you on the texting. And the makeup. And everything else! Kids these days . . . mumble mumble :)

  7. I'm totally old and proud of it.

  8. you're not old lori, you're a wee baby still wet behind the ears!

    you refer to teenagers as kids?

    that's how i refer to school teachers, electricians, and dentists!

    "hang on kid, i need to spit"
