Wednesday, October 1, 2008

He's our bishop...

I've debated for a few days whether or not to do a post about this, but finally decided to go ahead. I don't want to make it a "look how special" kind of thing, but it's going to affect pretty much every part of our life so I decided it's worth mentioning.
Last Sunday Scott was called as the bishop of our ward. He's been the 2nd counselor to Bishop Clapp for the past five years, and the time finally came for a change. We are joyfully overwhelmed. We are full of many thoughts and feelings I don't really feel like spelling out on a blog, but we are happy.


  1. i'll always have to call him bishop cruze more scott for me! lori, i think this calling equally reflects your ability and awesomeness...good luck guys!

  2. What a great adventure and blessing for your family.It couldn't have happened to nicer people. Please let us help and support you in any way that we can. Scott will be such a great Bishop.


  3. WOW!! That's got to be a tad bit overwhelming. I'm glad you decided to share. I had no idea. What a great opportunity for growth. For your family and the whole ward! I miss West Hills. (shhh- don't tell anyone!)

  4. congratulations scott & lori.

    just watch out for prank calls from cletus, i mean brad.

  5. I can only think of a few other men who I would choose to be a Bishop so know if I had the power! :)

    Scott is going to be GREAT...and I think that Congrats is a weird thing to say and our condolensces is a little too, we just say.....well, what do we say?


  6. we had the harveys over last night and they told us the news! after a round of "poor scott and lori!" came a round of "well that wasn't a surprise was it?" We all knew it would happen to you good people some day. :)

    and your first commenter is probably pretty much right - when craig had to pick counselors he made sure to ask me "but what's his wife like?" before he made a decision. You two are just awesome!
