Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Third Trimester / You be the Judge

(Never mind the dirty mirror in that photo...but do admire the rectangle that Josh cut out, colored orange and taped to the wall for a Halloween decoration)

I try not to complain too much on this blog, but I'm now 31 weeks pregnant.

You see?

I have no choice.

The Third Trimester and I have never gotten along very well. Enter the heartburn, the backaches, the difficulty drawing a full breath, the elusiveness of general comfort in any shape or form, the swelling, the gawking and comments of strangers.

Case in point: I was helping in Ben's classroom the other day. On my way into the school I saw a teacher that I know and we were having a nice, friendly, non-offensive chat. Then another teacher (who I've never met) joined us and it went downhill something like this...

Other Teacher: (eyeing my belly) Wow! How much longer do you have??
Me: (big, polite smile) About two months.
OT: Two months??? You're kidding, you have two more months?
Me: (smaller polite smile) Yep.
OT: Are you having twins?
Me: No, just one.
OT: Are you sure? I can't imagine you having two more months, you're SO HUGE! How could you get any bigger? It must be twins, oh you poor thing... (continued rambling about the outlandish size of my gut)

She was a third grade teacher. I hope none of my kids ever get her.


  1. That stinks! I hope not too... lol... some people are just so oblivious! By the way tell Josh it's a very nice orange rectangle ;-)

  2. you should have asked her when she was due.

  3. You look beautiful and I'm not just saying that. I haven't seen you in so long and I think you are gorgeous.
    Now about that being 31 weeks...I COMPLETELY feel for you!! I have so much empathy. Being really pregnant always reminds me of Sam Hoffman telling me I was "HUGE, just like a missile sticking out!" and how I was bigger than Melanie, "and she WAS having twins!".
    But you are beautiful and you are busy building a sweet baby.

  4. Oh Lori. I'll do it for you. Serrogate of the third trimester.

    It's a good excuse for ambien.

    love the stuff.

  5. Yeah, that's pretty much the last thing anyone wants to hear when they're pregnant. I'm not sure why people feel that they can so liberally comment on the size of your belly, or how many kids you have, or how many kids you're planning to have, etc. . .

  6. my two thoughts. i've offended a lot of people in the past. i was so excited about being big for my first that when people told me that it totally made my day. funny though, cause then i had him, and i think been there done that i vow to have "small" pregnancies from here on out. can you even make that decision though?

  7. I've learned to *never* make any comments on pregnant women or their bellies. Just "congraulations!" (after *they* bring up the fact that they are indeed pregnant).

  8. Nice one Julie! Delish...

  9. Even before I read your post I said to Chris, "she's 31 weeks?! She's still skinny! No fair." Seriously! I'm jealous that you look so good.

  10. I agree with the others--you look beautiful (and I like your hair too). Sorry you had to deal with that woman.

    My sister is due in December and she gets comments all the time. She posted a HILARIOUS comic strip on her blog about this very subject. You have to read it; hopefully it will make you laugh. :) And sorry for the huge copy and paste job.

  11. reminds me of a similar experience jen. had last time around with a salesperson in portland, OR.

    btw julie, your comment wins the world series.

  12. You have truly got me cracking up laughing, tears streaming down my face. I am sorry you had to defend your "figure". I think you always look so darn cute pregnant.
