Monday, June 8, 2009

That's our Joshee

The Father/Son Campout was last month. It was great! Everything the boys hoped for. A campfire, marshmallows, sleeping in a tent, stitches...

Josh is the first kid in our family ever to get stitches. Someone made the comment they couldn't believe he'd made it five years without them. (I hadn't considered that before but it's true.) He was walking past a picnic table to get another marshmallow when he stumbled and his leg caught a metal part of the bench where the wood was missing. Scott said when it happened he screamed like he was on fire. By the time they got to the ER he was calmed down though and had a great time. He was all smiles and hamming it up for the nurses and doctor. They put on the "magic jelly" so he wouldn't feel the stitches and he even watched them do the last two (he had five all together). He gasped each time the needle went in.

Lydia was a little creeped out. Here she is hiding from the stitches (in the under-bassinet storage) when I took off his band-aid to take a picture of them.


A few days later I noticed one of Josh's teeth was not like the others: We have no idea when he lost that small chip. I need to research some recent photos and see if we can pin down the time line.


  1. I'm am still laughing out loud at the antics of Josh and Lydia. So cute and so sweet, and yes, I suppose it's a small miracle that Josh didn't have stitches till now. But what are we going to do about that tooth? Hmmmmmm. When was he to the dentist last? Funny his dentist didn't say anything.

  2. OOHHH. Yikes. I don't want to look either. Boys are a wonder! I'll keep my fingers crossed....we've not ever had stitches either. Maybe I shouldn't have said that....

  3. hey Lori.
    this is erin c* from the ward. just wanted to say i heard about your blog and finally found it. i've been reading it all afternoon. you are hilarious. love your blog.

  4. WE like the photos. Silas is pretty interested in Josh's stiches.
