Friday, December 11, 2009

Time out for complaining:

Why oh why oh why do they put the turkey's neck into its body cavity?? Or for that matter the bag of giblets? The church Christmas party is tonight. My kids just listened to me whine and groan and suppress my gag reflex while I prepared a turkey for roasting as fast as humanly possible (which reminded me the whole time of dissecting a fetal pig in the 9th grade) and threw it in the oven and then washed my hands for five minutes straight and sanitized every single kitchen surface and I don't even like turkey.
Then I took a deep breath.
Then I chastised myself for playing the martyr because I had to do something that took me 10 minutes.
Then I told them about how in the olden days people had to cut off the heads and feet and pull out the guts and feathers themselves and I was very grateful we live in the day of grocery stores and that it wasn't really a big deal.
But seriously, I bet our progenitors did not cram the neck back into their turkeys.


  1. I agree! It's a very silly practice to take the insides out, put them in a bag, and put them back in. Maybe they just needed to create a job for someone.

    And also, good job looking at the bright side by reminding yourself that you didn't have to cut the head off and stuff.

  2. hahaha! Jared completely agrees with you. I don't mind pulling the stuff out, but I clean like crazy like you do afterwards.

  3. Speaking as one who enjoyed your turkey last night, I truly appreciate your sacrifice.

  4. I loved the labels you listed for this post Lori. And i'm right there with you---gross! So glad I'm old enough that I usually don't have to go to someone else's house on Christmas and pretend to enjoy it. Let's hear it for Mom's awesome Christmas Eve pizza tradition! One that lives on in our family. Does it live on for the rest of you barber kids in your families? Do we all do that?

  5. no pizza for us. and if we ever did have it jen and her fam would probably put crab meat on it.

  6. Ha. You are a saint because I loved the turkey. I don't know how to even cook a turkey. Unless it's the lunch meat kind. Sad I know. I don't want to know how because it sounds horrible and I think if I cooked it I wouldn't think it tastes good anymore.

    Also, I love Josh even more, because he was kind enough to get me a cupcake from the "Kid's desert" on Friday. Speedy service too. I like cupcakes. Josh rocks.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. At least you didn't forget to take it out of there and have to pry it out and wonder if your turkey was still edible?

  9. Yuck. I really really don't love food before or after it's edible. Whenever it's my turn to do the dishes, I have to force myself to not complain about the leftover drippings of beef stroganoff (sp?) or beef from the spaghetti sauce or fat from steak or anything else unappetizing that goes down the drain. My mom must be able to read my facial expressions despite my efforts to hide my disgust because sometimes she'll take the plate from my hands and say, "It's okay, you've done enough." And, um, sorry this comment is so long! But i feel very passionately about how gross food can be! :)
