Friday, October 8, 2010

Haven't had a sewing post in a while...

I've been sewing a lot the last few weeks and saving up...

with an old New Year's resolution in mind.

After all, why stick to the sidelines while Emma lives the dream?

Why, you may wonder, did I make so many of the same things?

And why am I still working on more?

I've practically got enough inventory for an etsy shop.

Either that, or I've got my next few Christmases covered.

I feel nervous and excited and awkward and anxious (and afraid of failure for sure, don't watch if I fail, okay? just turn away, it won't be pretty).

           P.S. Mom--be sure to read the 'Policies' section.


  1. whoa! thats so cool. how exciting! good luck!

  2. Yay! Hooray! You did it. I'm amazed at your speed. Good job getting it up and going so quickly! I look forward to future business with you.

  3. They look great! And you'll do awesome (as always!)

  4. i'd like one Sistine Chapel pillow please.

    (and don't forget to include this panel.)

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I love everything about your shop....the name (Amme & Neb), your photo, your products, your wordage---the whole enchilada! Who wouldn't want to buy out the store? Good luck!

    PS ~ While browsing your shop, I started making mental notes of what I wanted to order and then remembered your note on reading the "Policies" section; quickly clicked on it and laughed out loud. My people will talk with your people. :) You're so funny.
