Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010 Books

2  23 books. A tie with 2009! 
I   I intended to do some more reading over Christmas break, but found myself too occupied with family partying, goodie-plate eating, game-playing, movie-wathcing and over all merry-making.
   The Fablehaven series was a fun one to read with Ben this year. He is almost done with the 5th one right now. I like having a series to talk about with him. 
   Richard Peck is my new go-to author for a really quick, funny read. His books do not fail to make me laugh and have such a homey, simple feel to them somehow (like comfort food, except books). 
   No big stand-outs this year, but several that I enjoyed very much.


  1. thanks--i love a book list. so no other favorites or high recommendations? i'll have to look up richard peck

  2. I'm impressed with your list---a good variety of authors and genre.

    Congratulations on a year well-read!!

  3. Wowza! That's some good reading. I am determined to make the time to read some novels of my choice this year and still read what I'm required to for my English teacher.

  4. Hi Lori - this might seem a little weird but this is Marin Whipple (Alyssa's little sister). Tonight as I was waiting to be sure my kids were asleep, I came across your blog and decided to check it out. I had to comment on the books you read in 2010 because your list and my list are almost exactly the same! I felt the exact same way about Richard Peck too! I also read his books, "A Long Way From Chicago" and "A Year Down Yonder" because I wanted a good laugh. Thanks for having such an enjoyable blog to read!
