Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Leaving proof

Guess who's never in the photos around here?
The one taking them.
Guess who that is?
Hi! I'm the mom! No one really thinks to pull out the camera and capture me (including me).
Then I linked over to this. (via my bff, Gabby)
So true, so true. We need more photos of me. With the kids. By myself. With Scott (the last time I needed a shot of us together I had to look back years to find one).
So I kept the camera accessibly on the counter all day long and kept getting myself in the frame. This needs to be a habit. Is this narcissistic? I don't think so. I think it's only right--leaving proof that I was here all along. Here's to more of me!

And heck, we need more of Scott with Afton too.


  1. so true! Yay for more Lori!!

  2. sweet. very pretty pictures too.

  3. Yes, more Lori is always a good thing. So true, moms are not usually in the pictures.

  4. you guys have the cutest family ever!! we can't wait to see you this summer!

  5. FANTASTIC pictures!!! Darling! So glad to see you "back in the picture."

    After our family reunion in July, I kind of thought the same thing: where's the Grammy? Oh, yes, I was taking the pictures.

    I didn't know you were Gabby's BFF. I thought I was her only BFF.

  6. Yea! Now I get to see what you look like! You look the same as I remember you at BYU! (Super cute):)

  7. does anyone in your family ever take a bad picture? :-) very cute!

  8. It looks like Scott is about to take out Afton with that pizza cutter (she looks nervous). And why is he so happy about it?
