Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Girls Camp

A friend and I were in charge of the 1st years. They are so funny. And sweet. And trying (of patience). But mostly sweet. I taught them to play Parlez-vous Francais and felt the most agreeable nostolgia for my first year of camp.
We hiked to twin arches, which I'd never seen before and it was beautiful.
The leaders surprised the girls with water balloons after the flour war. They all gave us gluey hugs when we sang We Are The Champions.
They have a song for every single possible situation. Bursting into camp songs left and right; while waiting, when someone said "announcements", while doing dishes.
The songs and the skits were hilarious. Hil-ar-i-ous.
The pranks were plentiful. Best one? When two leaders tackled and bound in duct tape some girls who'd been pranking them.
I got five gnats in my eyes.
We had the best craft in the history of camp crafts.
I remembered my camera but forgot the battery, still charing at home.
The entire time the foremost thought in my mind was Emma. She'll be going next summer. What will she think of dancing the Sally Walker? Will she come up with some good pranks? Will she fall for gawking? Will she be timid or bold? Reserved or spontaneous? Will her testimony grow, strengthen, solidify?
I've already requested to go help out next year if they'll have me. I'm dying to spy on my oldest and see how she takes it all.


  1. First of all, I can't believe she is old enough to be going to camp! Last time I saw her she was just learning to walk. Second, I loved camp. Camp holds some of the best memories ever. My mom was a leader for all the years I was there and that was also a great experience. You guys will have so much fun!

  2. Mmm... I dunno. I think my favorite prank was when that one 1st year leader had the idea to put watermelon in someone's water bottle, and this flustered YCL hurried to unscrew the cap while the LEADER stuffed in the melon. Yep, I think that one was the best! :)

    P.S. The Handcart Song
    "For some must push,
    And some must pull
    As we go marching up the hill.
    So merrily on our way we go,
    Until we reach the valley-o!"
