Friday, September 23, 2011

Mario Snack bags for Andy

Happy birthday to Andy a couple weeks ago. He had a rockin' Mario party. It seemed like theme-inspired snack bags were the way to go for his gift.

This one was double-sided...


  1. And I was SO excited to have awesome snack bags to replace the 50,000 plastic lunch bags we use every single week. But no, these babies are under lock and key organizing Andy's special things under his bed in his "secret place where nothing ever gets lost". I'm not allowed to use them for snacks. I tried explaining they are "SNACK BAGS", therefore to be used for snacks. But he won't have it. He said, "Mom, they're awesome. They can't be used for lame snacks. They have a higher purpose."

    They are pretty awesome.

  2. Creativity strikes again! So clever. I can certainly understand why Andy wants to keep them for a "higher purpose."
