Friday, October 21, 2011

Another finish

About two and a half years ago I learned to crochet.

Soon Cally pointed me to this blog. Which is where I found this tutorial (fantastic, bytheway--best clear photographs and descriptions I've come across for crochet). Which led to the beginnings of this afghan. For the first eighteen months or so it was slow going. I pulled it out to work on so rarely that it was like starting from scratch (it pretty much only came out on these weekends). I had to re-look up the tutorial and spend as much time trying to remember how to switch yarns as I did adding stitches.

Then last winter something wonderful happened--yarn fever took over at Scott's parents' house. Every time we went there to visit (which was nearly every week), Cally and Mandy and Rachel and I would sit and work our hooks and needles through the whole evening of talking. Crocheting is a whole different animal than sewing. It's the perfect thing for conversation, intent listening, and busy thoughts. I think I concentrate better when my hands are moving. For weeks and months real progress was made. My s-i-ls each went through project after beautiful project while I just kept adding and adding to my big afghan. The goal was for it to be big enough for at least two people to share, keeping them well covered, from feet to chin.
5 feet 8 inches later here it is. Tested and approved.

All five kids can fit if they snuggle. Just right for a cold, rainy day like this one.
(It was sunny the day I took the shots of it on the ground.)
Here's why I wanted to make it:
When I was little, there was a green afghan. The green afghan. It was sought after and fought over and used and used and used. Movie nights, Saturday morning cartoons, naps on the couch, forts in the basement, it was the one everyone wanted most. My grandpa made it. I have fond memories associated with the green afghan, and I wanted something like that for our kids. Not that they'll be attached to blanket itself, necessarily, but that it will be something always there in the background of their childhood memories. Hopefully it will carry that same nostalgic magic that comes with smells and songs that transport you through time.

Just give them an audience and they will ham it up. "Let's pretend to be asleep!"
I feel a little lost now without that standby project to keep my hands busy. And I realize that rippling is the only thing I know how to do now. What next, what next.....

Rule #1 around here: if you take a smiling photo, you must take a silly photo.


  1. Lori that is sOOOOO awesome. Truly beautiful. I love the color combination.

    But I gotta confess, I HATE afghans. All of my siblings hated crocheted afghans. They were the least desirable blankie at our house growing up. I am wondering if the creator would have used different and softer yarn if it would have made any difference because I have NEVER found one afghan that I like.

    Maybe I am just more of a cotton/flannel girl.

    But your afghan makes me want to like afghans just because it is truly lovely and such a work of love.

  2. Your afghan is absolutely gorgeous, beautiful, fantastic, snuggly, wonderful and amazing! Believe me, I could write down even more adjectives to describe it.

    Why didn't I know about this? Best kept secret. I am so impressed, especially, since that is NOT my specialty in the cloth, fabric, sewing area.

    Can't wait to see it in person.

  3. It's beautiful! Whenever I see ripple afghans, I think of Grandma Groesbeck. I learned to love crochet from her. I agree that I think better when my hands are busy.

    I love the idea of a big snuggle blanket. I think I'm going to have to use that one. Thanks for sharing! It really is beautiful.

  4. wow, can you make us one? :)

    btw, love the "sleeping" picture.
