Thursday, October 25, 2012

Trunk or Treat, The Hunger Games family costumes

A couple of weeks ago we held a dinner-time vote on what our family theme would be this year. There were lots of good nominations, but I'm glad we ended up with The Hunger Games. The big three kids have all read it and loved the movie too, and the little girls are always very willing to go along with themes they don't completely understand. Lydia did at least have an idea who Katniss is.

The costumes were mostly curated, but each had at least one little homemade piece. Afton's was the only one that I had to sew the whole thing (many people thought she was a penguin. oh well).

Peeta. He went with the pre-games Peeta. 

Mockingjay. Looked at the cover of book three for a guide.

Katniss. Ready to hunt us some dinner.

Caesar Flickerman. He was in heaven with his blue hair.
Desperately wanted to wear it to school that way.

Foxface. Can't see her bag but it's the one she got from the cornucopia with
a big 5 on it. You know, 'cause she's from district 5.

Seneca Crane, the game-maker.
Oh how I love this man for letting me paint a beard on his face...he might have preferred I shove
bamboo shoots under his fingernails. (He did get off ridiculously easy last year.)


  1. Oh my goodness that is awesome! I love it and you all look so great!!! Liz Christiansen

  2. Ha. I love it. You guys looked so awesome. I admit I thought Afton was a penguin but only before I saw her hat on. Definitel a mockingjay. Great job! And gotta love the bishop for playing along. He is the man.

  3. love it. Not showing this to my kids because they will think we are lame. LOL

  4. I just LOVE your family costumes. You are so creative!

  5. where is the close up of your costume?? I wanted a better look! Everyone looked great!

  6. I am the only person on the planet who knows nothing about the Hunger Games (never saw the movie or read the books)...............BUT! The costumes look fantastic!! Great job, Lori.

    Everyone looks great! Such a cute family no matter what the costumes. xoxo

  7. g'job. but i'm surprised scott didn't use real facial hair for his costume. talk about not sharing your talents!

  8. the Hunger Games -- last one standing gets their fill. XD from Si
