Friday, April 5, 2013

And then there was Easter...

On the day before Easter, we were glad to join our good friends the Copelands for a games, dinner, and a hunt.

This glad.

Lots of friends there and lots of space to play around.

Emma holding one of her favorite babysitees.

There were three sack races for three different age brackets. I'm pleased to report a Cruze sweep.

Then Easter Sunday. Church was wonderful, we got to hear three excellent speakers share their thoughts on the significance of the teenage boy, then one young adult who I remember so well when he was a young teenage boy (me=old), concluding with that young adult's mother who I love. Just in case I don't say it often enough...I love church.

It was raining and gray, so the traditional after-church photos had to be taken indoors. Guess what else I love? These kids.


  1. Looks so much fun!!!

    The Easter shots are just plain gorgeous-beautiful!

    And you are becoming quite an accomplished photographer. :)

  2. I just love your sweet family.
