Wednesday, May 1, 2013

And so went April...instagram version

If you know me on instagram this is all old news. If not, here we go...

We have a stray cat that comes by every week or so. It's great. The kids get all excited when we see him, we feed him some ham, pet him plenty, invite him to take a nap in our garage, then off he goes to see his next family. The kids named him Sally Gracie Feathertail. Then changed it to Moe. I like calling him Sally best.

Scott's brother Eldon generously gave Emma a guitar he never used anymore. She's been practicing everyday--building up nice calluses and learning lots of songs she likes. On a day home sick from school, she went through a whole set of lessons on the ipad. (go ahead and ignore the nasty couch back there. it's the first one we ever bought as newlyweds. now it's the bonus room couch the kids have full permission to jump/climb/destroy...and they do)

Afton is really good at playing like this. She can spend all morning sometimes all by herself lining up little toys, making them visit each other, inventing their relationships, taking them throughout their days, evolving their stories as she goes. That's how I liked to play at her age. It's my favorite.

Lydia and Afton spent a couple of afternoons doing this. Back and forth in the side yard, over and over. I got a report that Afton rode on her own for about three feet. Not sure I buy that she was really "riding," but maybe some good coasting.

Our dogwood trees bloomed extra big blooms this year!

Emma sang with our stake young women choir at a Knoxville Interfaith Network concert at a Catholic church downtown. They sounded beautiful!

Here's a fun mystery. In one of our garden boxes this year we mixed in the compost we've been brewing since last summer. There was a little bit of yard waste in there, but mostly kitchen scraps. Almost immediately these little plants started popping up all over the place. We have no idea what they are but there are over twenty of them now. Brittany said they look like her zucchini plants. That will be funny if that's what they are. Scott was against planting zucchini because it takes up so much space. Ha!


  1. great recap of your month, thanks for sharing!

  2. You will have to keep your readers updated on this mystery. If they ARE zucchini plants, you are going to have a lot of fun trying out new zucchini recipes this summer. :) 20 plants=a LOT of zucchini!

  3. I agree with Brittany. They look like zucchini. All the better for making lots of zucchini bread. :)

    Great pictures and update of the month. It all looks GREAT!

  4. They look like squash plants, but my spaghetti squash and butternut squash plants also look just like that. So, maybe you'll be lucky and not get zucchini. ;)
