Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cruze family reunion

If you're ever having a family reunion, and one evening the activities include a picnic dinner, sprinkled with bubble-blowing, swinging, arm-wrestling, tree-climbing, baseball-playing followed by a bonfire for s'mores, I highly recommend getting a photographer. Our awesome Brianna spent the evening with us and it was so nice not to have to worry about capturing everything. We could all just sit back and enjoy while she stealthed around snapping it up. If you need a lifestyle photographer, she's your girl. Bonus: there was time for some posed photos in the field before we started eating. Here we go...

This one is a recreation of a Cruze family classic circa 1997...they had to leave an open spot
because Shane was gone to a Scout jamboree. 

Minor injury playing ball.

Recreation of another Cruze family classic circa 2009...but with more grandkids this time.

Busted being a teenager.

Was 26 photos too many for one blog post? Nah.


  1. Fantastic pictures and it all looks like so much fun!!

    Great idea to have an "in-house" photographer. Good job, Brianna.

    I can't even pick a "favorite" of the pictures - each is special in its own way. But! I have to say I love the one of Lori and Emma (color one). :)

  2. awesome, awesome, awesome!!! We need to do this!! I think my favorite is Lydia in the tree.

  3. Awesome pictures! Looks like lots of fun!

  4. Hi,

    So, a few questions.

    Did Afton let that kid down the slide, eventually? And did Scott finally snap that twig?

    Also, did Ben win that arm wrestling match?

    You can tell me now, or wait until November.


  5. LOVE them all! We need to hire someone next time for sure! What I can't get over is seeing Emma stand beside you in the first picture, as tall as you, and such a teenager!

  6. Cruze cousins are catching up to us. more on the way?
