Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Break

We joined the Langfords and Sextons in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg for a couple of days of fall break fun. We rented a big cabin together and filled our time with games, treats, football, spike ball, a big pancake breakfast, and wandering around town buying treats and fudge. The kids all had a blast being together and we were glad we could still get outside and play some even though one day was pretty rainy. I didn't bring my good camera, but everyone brought their phone!

Afton requested this shot...

Lisa was determined to get a photo of two of the cousins by these bride and groom crows. Carter was the only cousin who was game, thinking it would be funny, all others heavily resisted the scheme. That tricky aunt Lisa coerced Emma into going over by them with the promise that she would be the photographer not the model, but then Carter restrained her into submission for this happy shot:

Determined not to be the only victim, Emma promptly picked up another one. Ben was willing to assist.

Don't judge our grungy attire...the original plan was hiking, which we had dressed appropriately for,
but a last minute switch to wandering Gatlinburg left us no time to change.

Spikeball. I was awful at it but the kids had fun.


  1. You took so many pictures! Fun, fun times.

  2. who's the little villain in the middle of the group "hiking" photo?
