Friday, November 29, 2013

The Fantasy of Trees - 2013 Edition

We mixed things up a little this year. Scott took the big kids to a movie while I took the little girls to the Fantasy of Trees and met the Langfords and Troy and Dan there. We made our rounds looking at pretty trees, wreaths and gingerbread houses then of course hit the rides and the face painting. The girls indulged me to pause for plenty of photos. It's such a pretty place...


  1. You are quite the photographer! I love the pictures!

  2. These are GREAT pictures. Love the lights in the background!

  3. I would say your girls are the "fantasy" of prettiness. Such great pictures and the girls really are absolutely beautiful with or without the pretty lights.

    Hey I'm older than "senior citizen" age, and I still love the Fantasy of Tree.
