Friday, January 9, 2015

Fall Catchall

Oh, that's just sad to write. But here we are. New year and I've still got a few odds and ends from the fall I never got around to sharing. (I've also got the Ragnar report coming, but I still need to finish the video. Coming soon...ish.)

Subtle attempt to remind Ben the grass keeps growing on into November around here.

In a stroke of marketing genius, Emma created babysitting business cards and hot glued all of our Halloween candy to them. Every kid in our neighborhood and church went home with one. Brilliant.

Mom and Dad took everyone to the BYU game at ETSU. It was freezing cold, but totally worth it.

The Buckwheats went on a Monday morning hike up House Mountain, and it was beautiful.

And I told them about how the kids like to take pictures that make it look like someone's falling,
and they thought that was a great idea.

Emma and Ben went on a youth temple trip.
Josh required frequent reminding: no reading while walking.

The little girls tackled making the potatoes divine for Thanksgiving dinner.


  1. Love your "fall catchall!" And I absolutely love the one of my three Buckwheats. I know it's just a "selfie" of you guys on a hike, but you all look so beautiful! I love it! xoxo
