Sunday, June 14, 2015

Emma and Ben = Track

Those kids love to run. They get that from me. And they're crazy fast. They get that from their dad.

Emma surprised us all by switching from sprinting to distance and loving it, running mostly 800s and 1600s. The first three times she ran the mile at a meet, her time was almost exactly the same, about a 3 second variance. The last meet of the year something came alive in her apparently, because she PRed by 20 seconds. It was awesome.

Ben added 3200s to his meets, and reports he just may like it even better than the mile. He PRed in the 3200 by a large margin in his last meet as well. This kid is a force to be reckoned with, can't wait to see him keep running in the fall too.

1 comment:

  1. Wow,wow,wow!! I am so impressed! Especially since I am NOT a runner. Congrats to both Emma and Ben and Mom and Dad for showing them the way (fast and long).
