Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nocturnal visitor

Luckily our little friend didn't manage to get the lid open. The kids thought this was the coolest thing they'd ever seen. The next day they went to see if the prints were still there. They were. (Even through much rain, they didn't wash off.) Josh couldn't believe it, "I think the racoon came back again last night!!"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lauren -or- Emma's getting craftier and craftier

Emma picked out all of the fabric, positioned the 'L', and sewed at least 50% of this one:
And she finished one of the cross-stitches that Grammy gave her and put in it a frame for her room. I'm already starting to fill her head with ideas that she ought to get busy making all of her siblings and grandmothers some Christmas gifts with her growing pool of talents to pull from.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Pioneer babies are extra cute.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hobbit Door

I realize Lord of the Rings is so 6 or 8 years ago, but I haven't seen the new Harry Potter (yet!) and I thought this Etsy offering was cute.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In the van

Lydia likes to make up songs. Often when we're in the van she can be heard singing about various topics on her mind (like, "My best friend Maya moved to Arizona" or "I'm shy of Brad but that's okay"). For a long time I've wanted to capture one of these ballads before she loses the habit. Finally on the 4th of July I: a) had the camera with me and b) was not driving and c) remembered. This is a snippet of her musical contemplation of the parade we were on our way to. Usually her songs are longer (like a five minute long run-on sentence) and kind of flow between topics, but she was in more of a la-la-la mood this day. So this clip is not actually the most accurate representation of her normal car songs, but I wanted to document at least something, since I may never catch it again.

I thought it would be nice to include also another common/favorite van occurance. Josh always begs to hear Pork and Beans by Weezer over and over again while we're driving. I usually say, "Okay, but only if you rock out."

Monday, July 20, 2009

Have I ever mentioned my brother is a filmaker?

And a darn good one too. Last week he found out he's been nominated for an Emmy for his editing work on the documentary, Resolved. Yes, an Emmy. Whenever you talk about him now, be sure to precede his name with "Emmy nominated". Then run on over to Netflix and put Resolved in your queue so you can appreciate his awesome talent.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Telling footage

This video clip demonstrates a number of things:

1. Emma's proficiency on the recorder (thank you very much, third grade music teacher)

2. Afton's amusement when Emma plays (she usually laughs longer than this clip, actually)

3. Afton can sit up

4. Afton can crawl

5. Josh likes to bounce around

6. Not many people around here see a need for getting dressed

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Emma loves being a big sister. She loves to take care of Lydia; read to her, play with her, or give her a makeover... ...complete with nail polish and bows.Lydia puzzles over how they will get the extra-tight lid off of the purple polish:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Three new bags...

...coming to an art gallery gift shop near you!

(if you happen to live near 1506 Mission Street, South Pasadena)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Austin and Katina

Tied the knot this morning in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple. Congrats guys!
This scoop brought to you by the wonder of technology that is Scott's iphone.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Strange strangers...

Meet my new associates, On Easly and Arry Otter. I don't know where they came from, but they showed up at my house one day and they're willing to help with the cleaning so I let them stay.
P.S. They want me to be quite clear that they are wearing disguises, not costumes.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another 4th of July

The parade:
We started out the morning by parking ourselves on the side of a usually-busy street. As we anxiously waited for something to happen we were entertained by a pair of helicopters which went up and down the parade route. The big one would occasionally hover right above us. This was simultaneously scary and wonderful. It was hovering very low. The rotors gave us the most fantastic, strong, cooling wind (it was a sweaty day), but it was so low I couldn't help playing out the worst-case scenario in my head and trying to figure out if we'd have time to grab all of our children and fling them to safety if the huge whilrlybird should suddenly drop from the sky.
We enjoyed an endless stream of slow-moving trucks often pulling boats full of elected officials, church congregation members, business owners, swim teams, collections of classic corvettes, clowns, horses, marching bands, and of course the Andy Griffith Rerun Watcher's Club (almost all of them handed out candy too...our favorite float was the one that handed out bottled waters).Lunch and games:
After the parade we headed over to Grammy and Grandpa's for a lunch of roasted hot dogs and tons of fixin's followed by a roasted marshmallows dessert. We played some 20 questions with the kids and Grammy had some patriotic and fun little gift bags for the kids which included colorful sunglasses...Josh kept his on most of the day.

The intermission:

We crashed at home for a few hours to regroup and watch The Sound of Music (Emma and Ben: loved it, Josh: kind of really boring (except for the doe-a-deer part), Lydia: MIA).

The dinner and show:

Then the fun day continued as we grabbed our good friends from the ward, the Stoners, and headed up to the Cruze Compound. There we met the Conan and Callys, the Rachel and Terrys, and a family the C&Cs brought (I don't remember their names, but their one-year-old threw up at the end of the's that for first impressions? Now any time we happen to see them again we'll say, 'Oh yeah, you're Pukey's mom and dad.'). Here we first had a delicious picnic dinner,then started our fireworks fun in the waning twilight. First the snap dragons and smoke bombs:Next came sparklers, then it got dark enough for the heavy artillery. No photos of this portion of the fun except for this one of Lydia enjoying the privilege of staying up way past her bedtime and eating tons of candy.The show was spectacular, but the minor burn injury of one member of the audience (I'll leave the particulars to his parents to tell) due to a rogue firework shooting sideways left us feeling like maybe it's time to hang up our pyrotechnics hat and try something like this next year instead.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Birthday Gift

My birthday was awhile ago, I finally remembered to take a photo of my wonderful gift from my wonderful husband (gush, gush). How I love it!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day Trip

Last Saturday was great. Earlier in the week Scott suggested taking a drive up to Natural Tunnel State Park, somewhere he'd gone while he was growing up (as it is close to Kingsport, the Cruze homeland). Never had an idea sounded more wonderful. We soon expanded our plans to include a quick tour of his old stomping grounds on our way home and got the Fake Cruzes in on the deal.It was a perfect day. Nice and sunny (not too hot in the shade), everyone was happy. We started out with a picnic lunch and playing on the playground. Then we went over to a trail so we could hike down to the tunnel. The trail was a bit steep and not at all stroller-friendly, so the moms lucked out and took the little girls down on the chair lift. We passed right over our rugged hikers (see our shadow?).
The tunnel itself was much bigger and much blacker than I imagined it. We thought we would be able to walk in it, but were disappointed (or in Josh's case: relieved) that we could not. Looking in:Looking up: Looking goooood:
Looking similar: Looking:
Apparently they get tired of questions about the train...So we really lucked out to see one.A little power-struggle involving hugging rights to the lamp post.We spoiled four rode back up the chair lift while the rest sweat their way up below us.
Next we hopped down to Kingsport and went on a Cruze childhood tour, hitting all four houses (which I'm really mad I didn't take any photos of). For Scott and Conan it was sweet nostalgia, disbelief at how big the trees all were, how small other things seemed, what had changed and what remained the same. For me it was completing the mental pictures I've had from all the stories (now I know where the pig farm was). We also made rounds to the mall, the church, the elementary school and best of all the high school. Here we got out and spent a long time running around the track and on the field and all over the bleachers.
Good day.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm so proud...well, mostly...

Out of all of the possible Cruze-kid combinations, Josh and Lydia generate the most conflict by far. Of course, all of the kids bicker from time to time with one another, but none quite so explosively as those two. It's gotten better since summer began (having Emma and Ben around to entertain/distract them has been invaluable). But there were spans of days on end when I would dread the non-stop fighting and screeching that seemed intrinsic in their interactions. Neither one was willing to give the other an inch, they were prepared to fight to the death over whatever object caught their fancy. Like I said: getting better. But still strongly colors my perception of their relationship.
So that's the background information, the context for today's event.
We were at swim practice this morning for Emma and Ben. There are lots of other little kids who come with their older siblings as well, so they all play together. This day a few kids had brought their plastic light sabers. There were three or four not in use, so Lydia and Josh each asked for and obtained permission from the mom of those sabers to play with them. All of the kids generally play in a big grassy field behind the patio area where the moms sit. I turned around to investigate when I heard Josh hollering in a near panic, "No! NO! Give that back!! You can't just grab it!" you can imagine what I expected to find: Josh and Lydia locked in a tug-of-war over the light sabers or something like that. Instead I felt a quick rush of maternal pride that nearly choked me. Another kid (a little older than Lydia) was trying to take Lydia's light saber away from her and Josh was heroically stepping in. He gruffly yanked it away from the perpetrator and turned to Lydia and lovingly handed it to her with a sweet, "Here you go, Lydia." "Thanks, Josh."
I realize Josh did not exactly handle the situation perfectly. He was not so kind to the saber-grabber as he could have been. But the kid was not upset about it, and I was so proud of seeing him play the part of protector and sticking up for his little sister who drives him crazy most of the time I decided a lecture on manners could wait.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The finest frozen snack...

When it's close to dinnertime the kids often start begging for a snack because they are "dying-hungry" (Josh) and can't bear waiting thirty more minutes for food. They are always welcome to have as many frozen peas as they would like.