Thanks for all the name ideas...I can tell that all of you have a firm grasp on the type of girls' name that we're looking for: old fashioned, pretty, feminine.
There are many names that I
really like but don't want to use. Either because they are taken by a close relative (Claire, Jenica, Julia (too close to Julie)), too similar to "Emma" (like pretty much any short name that starts and ends with a vowel: Ella, Anna), have nicknames I don't like (I like Elizabeth but not Lizzy or Liz), or are making a little bit too dramatic of a comeback (I love Sophia and Olivia, but worry about her being one of 10 in her grade growing up).

But like I said, these are all names that I think are beautiful, so many of them are not 100% out of the running.
I've had a list on my fridge for a couple of weeks. I keep adding new ones to consider and erasing the ones that lose their sparkle after looking at them for a few days or that have been 86ed by my handsome co-creator. I thought it would be fun to share this evolving list on my sidebar for awhile. (Feedback is welcome, but be nice...and no you don't actually get to vote.)