Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Like a cat and a can opener...

This is Lydia's favorite song. Fav-or-ite. No matter where she is or what she is doing, if she can hear the ipod she will come running to the kitchen as soon as this song starts. Then she rocks out. Her rocking out is comprised mostly of running around in circles, spiced up now and then with some booty-shaking and head-bopping. I wanted to document the phenomenon because it cracks me up every time she does it.


  1. Some girls just want to have fun! I am laughing right along with you.

  2. Lydia is a performer, that's for sure, but are you sure her favorite song isn't "Choosing," as we watched her "rock out" to it today? :)

  3. That's funny. Dan does the same thing whenever I put on "Moving Right Along"...

  4. So cute! (She is such a doll!)

  5. I don't know what is better...her dancing or her little voice saying Hey. What a fun age.

  6. that is so cute! so do dance moves get loopier as she gets dizzy? i mean surely she gets really dizzy!

  7. Nice troy! lol. Lori, i love when she musses with the dish towels and fridge door and what not. LIke a sober Elaine Benice dance...
