Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas highlights, part one

I still don't have my camera back. (Part two coming next week, I hope. Some time before St. Patrick's day for sure.) But here are some photos my mom emailed me...

TN Barber girls on Christmas Eve. Sometime shortly after we moved back to Tennessee seven years ago we started posing for pictures like this. I don't know why, but we've done it pretty much every holiday since.TN Barber girls and boys on Christmas day.
Another successful pageant!
Cousins have mixed feelings about trimming the tree.
My favorite of the batch she sent. This is so Josh (he's an affection-addict), and Mom just looks beautiful.


  1. wow, what a good picture of grammy and josh!!!

  2. Your mom really does look beautiful! I see where you get it.

    You have a good lookin' family. :)

  3. I agree! Definetely frame worthy!

  4. That is an awesome pic of mom and j. where can i get a print?

  5. Thanks for the "beautiful" compliment. That makes my day. :) Josh's hugs and kisses also make my day. No one does it better than Josh.

  6. That one of Josh is BEAUTIFUL.

  7. One more vote for fantastic photo!
