Friday, January 8, 2010

David: friend or foe?

One time we were all over at the Sexton's. David is a fun uncle who likes to show off his skills by throwing kids around the in the air and/or bench pressing them (oldest kids required spotters). They're having a great time and are glad they have a cool uncle to toss them up to the ceiling.You can't see their faces, but every single one of these lucky children is smiling...

...every single child





  1. Ahhh. So many comments could be made here. But I'll skip to what really impressed me. How did you manage to get the writing on the pix, and line everything up so neatly. I'm impressed with *your* posting talents. :) Oh, and I found myself smiling as I viewed each and every pix---very cute!

  2. But Josh is the one with the gat! How do we know he's not trying to kill *David*?

  3. very nice. you captured the moment perfectly.

  4. I think I've shown everyone in the family these pictures now. Everytime I just crack up! Great view of Josh's terror-stricken face.
