Monday, January 11, 2010

Emma = Ten

What the...huh? Double digits already?
Emma turned one decade over the weekend. I will never stop complaining about the kids getting older.
Ben made her this celebratory message with strips of paper from the recycling bin.
Oh yes, she is very into being an official tween (she's been a tween-at-heart for ages now).
When she was two or three she coined the name "Potaski" (po-task'-ee) for herself whenever she was taking a shirt off and she would leave it on her head--you know, with the neck hole of the shirt like a headband and the rest of the shirt hanging down behind her. "Look! I'm Potaski!"
When she was a little bit older than that she would say to me or Scott with affection, "You're my best."
Around this time also she saw Toy Story and would jump off the couch proclaiming, "To infinity, and be ire!"
Her first favorite color was purple. Then it changed to red. Then pink, where it stayed for a long time. Finally she outgrew it and has oscillated mostly between shades of yellow, green, and blue ever since. (Right now it's lime green.)
She loves to hold babies, the littler the better.
She is going to be an artist when she grows up.
I can't think of anything wrong with her.
Happy birthday Emma.


  1. Hurray!! Happy Birthday Emma!!

    You don't remember me, but I remember you and you are growing into such a beautiful girl!!

    (please go to BYU so my kids can run into you and be your friend)

  2. Welcome to the second decade of life, Emma! Awesome!

    ps: have you considered flourescent beige? ;-)

  3. happy birth-day, emma.

    (i don't think 10 really qualifies as a tween)

  4. Happy Birthday, Emma, sweet Emma!! Ten is just so old. I understand exactly what you're talking about, Lori. Don't turn around; she'll turn 12 while you're doing it.

  5. Happy B-day, Emma! I know I was such a minute part of your life, but I still think of you with such fondness. You are growing up into such a BEAUTIFUL girl.
