Sunday, September 18, 2011

Scott = Awesome

Remember how Scott was all like, "Yeah, I've never really done any running before but I just went and busted out 8 miles. Whatever." Oh that guy.
So Saturday we ran in a 5k with some of our fellow Ragnar team members. I made it in just under 29 minutes which I was excited about (broke through the 10-minute mile barrier--good for me!). And Scott? What did Scott do? Oh, just placed third in his age group. Just brought home a medal, that's all. Just ran that steep-hill-infused 3.1 mile course in about 23 1/2 minutes. Who is this guy??


  1. nice going scott. ever thought about joining the kids' swim team?

  2. I say if it's family, it just isn't right if you don't brag on them. Congrats, Scott!
