Thursday, September 15, 2011

A treat so delicious they were eaten before I thought to take a photo - S'more Truffles

For Lydia's birthday this week (hello, five-year-old) she requested oreo truffles instead of a cake. Wonderful choice. As I was nearing the end of my truffle-dipping I realized I'd have a good portion of melted milk chocolate left over. I would never, ever let good chocolate go to waste, so I started thinking about what else I could dip in it. Graham crackers came immediately to mind, then I remembered the bag of huge campfire marshmallows sitting in the pantry and the rest wrote itself. While I finished up the oreo truffles I asked the kids to smash up a sleeve of graham crackers and bring me the marshmallows. I was thinking bite-sized, so I sliced the jumbo marshmallows into four discs each (key to slicing marshmallows: wet knife). Then I dipped each slice in the chocolate and rolled it in the graham cracker crumbs. They were de-lic-ious. They looked cute too, wish I'd thought to take a photo before they were gobbled up. I'll be making them again.


  1. Yum! I sure miss summer and campfire s'mores. We'll have to try these!

    And Happy Birthday to Miss Lydia! I'm sure the Oreo truffles were delicious too as long as you didn't make them the way the Sextons do --with toothpaste.

  2. thanks for the knife tip! i can't wait until next time jen gets all frustrated "man, these marshmallows just won't slice" and i'll be all "wassamatter baby..."

  3. Mmmmm...that sounds good! I've been craving s'mores recently!

  4. It's dinner time while I read this and I'm starving, so these sound even extra, extra yummy.

    Hmmmm. Wish I had one of your S'more truffles right now!!

    You are spot on with creativity once again. :)
