Scott got me the pair of dogwood trees I've been pining for. He even planted them firmly in the ground with miracle grow dirt and a mulchy top. I like the idea of a Mother's Day gift that draws such a nice parallel with motherhood...you know, planting and nurturing and growing something beautiful and all that. I wouldn't go so far as to call us a family of nine now, but I do look forward to watching these two little guys get bigger over the years. Thanks, Scott.
ewww I like! I want a pink one to plant for the baby so it can be her tree. Dogwoods are sooo pretty.
you pine for dogwood? heh.
btw, just don't let them die cause, you know, the *symbolism*.
i love it. i had my mother's day gift blog planned then i saw yours. yay for thoughtful gifts.
Hooray for Dogwoods and thoughtful husbands. Can't live in TN and not have a Dogwood in your yard. A perfectly lovely Mother's Day gift and parallel.
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