Sunday, August 10, 2014

Metcalf Bottoms, 2014

One fine Friday we met up with some friends from swim team and spent the day doing all the crawdad-catching, cold-water-floating, big-rock-jumping things we like best. The older group of kids added exploring to the list. Their favorite thing about the day was the time they spent going beyond the big rock (our previous end of the line boundary), further and further to see what they could find. They seem to thrive on independence these days. Bring it on, teenagers.

I can't remember why Lydia was mopey in this series, but it cracked me up that Afton was
in such a hammy mood to provide a stark contrast.

1 comment:

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Wow!!! So much fun. I don't know if it's legal to have that much fun!! Love the "happy-go-lucky" pix of Afton - love all the pix. Can't name a favorite in this batch.