Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if all of your kids did not have asthma?

I do.
All the time.

Are there really people who go out of town and don't bring a nebulizer along just in case? Who never have to tell their kids they are not allowed to run for a couple of days when the wheezing is acting up--or when it's really bad that they are not allowed to go up and down the stairs? Sometimes the kids will have a friend over when someone needs a breathing treatment and the friend is all intrigued by it and I'm confused by this for a minute, then I realize the friend's family doesn't have any breathing issues. Then I daydream about a xopenex-free life.

Let me be clear though, I'm not complaining. Not even a little. There are a lot of things far worse than asthma that they could have and we live in a time and place where effective medicines are readily available.
I'm just wondering. Because sometimes propping kids up on three pillows so they can sleep sitting up seems so normal that I forget it's not.


Sarahie said...

You're a good mommy. =)

nbarnes2 said...

oh lori. it makes me hurt for them and you.

Laura said...

Bless their little hearts. I feel this may be a glimps into my future since Kase's side has asthma pretty bad. I have no idea about it all, but it doesn't look fun.

cally said...

gosh Lori. You didn't even mention the allergies.

thank goodness for modern medicine, eh?

fyi...drinking 10 vials of xopenex does nothing but make them incredibly hyper. I don't leave it on the floor anymore.

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Oh my, those girls look so sad. I'm so sorry you have to deal with asthma. Aren't kids resilient though?! We parents just need some of that resilience. Hmmmm. And I thought ear infections were bad.

tiff said...

That stinks. I can't wait for resurrected bodies.

And I love your gray hair shot. I think you were a woman before this, but now you have definite proof. Are you going to hide it or flaunt it?

Jenica said...

someday there is a life out there without breathing treatments, I'm sure of it. all things must pass away - thank heaven.

Unknown said...

Only 1 out of 4 here and I wonder what it would be like to not have that one? Asthma is so hard sometimes. God knew you could handle it.

Troy said...

silver lining= maybe one of them will be inspired to become a pediatrician?

Clapp Clan said...

Hang in there. Or boy's asthma got better as they got older. Only one has any real issues with it now as adults.

Anonymous said...

From Tanner: I have asthma too.I know how you feel!