Friday, March 23, 2012

Oh, Lydia

While visiting Grammy and Grandpa's house one evening after there had been some afternoon showers, Lydia and Afton discovered a couple of tiny snails. Lydia brought over a little spiral shell to show me (not actually sure if it was occupied or not) and asked if she could smash it. Smash it?

"No Lydia," I answered, "if you smashed it the snail would cry and cry."

"Mo-om," she answered in a somewhat patronizing tone, "snails can't cry if they're dead."


joelb said...

forwarding to PETA...

Jeanne said...


Laura said...

hahahaha. I just laughed out loud. For the reals.

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Lydia just tells it like it is. :) Kids say the darnest things.

julie said...

I actually did lol! Duh mom.

Mikelle said...

It's been so fun to see your comments!! Your family is darling!!

tiff said...

Ha! Another parenting lesson gone wack. Don't you love it?