Friday, November 20, 2015

The last post with really old pictures -OR- Family photos

I think after this we'll be mostly caught up, at least to things that have happened in the last couple of months instead of sharing a family photo shoot from way back in May (like I'm getting ready to do right now). But I just this minute realized I'd never blogged these pictures, and I really love them. Our good friend Brianna agreed to book us for a session just before she officially retired from the portrait business. We were extra, EXTRA lucky because she was willing to meet us at Cades Cove. The longer I live here the more I love the Smoky Mountains. I want to go there all the time. Hiking is my favorite. Playing in the streams is my favorite. Just driving around is my favorite. The Great Smoky Mountain National Park is my favorite. Thanks Bri!

There are a lot. Hold on to your hats.

This is my favorite. It's hanging on the wall now.

It gets funnier the farther down the line you go. 


Afton again.


Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Wow,wow,wow!! How does one even comment?! I could write a small novel on these pictures. I love every single one!!! I love the "Sound of Music" look-a-like pix. The beauty of the Smokies Mountains blended with the beauty of your family. Nothing better!! I would love that "favorite" family pix in 5x7 to replace the one I currently have on our mantel. (hint-hint -- Christmas is coming.) :) xoxo, Mom, Grammy
(or any of them in any size or multiply pix)

Nanette said...

So I'm pretty sure Scott is one of the 3 Nephites and you got to be twinkled as his wife because you two look the same as you did at Wymount! What's up with that?! Great looking family too :)
They will all be jealous of you when they are old and you still look like models ;)